2021 Norwegian Sport Fishing League “Main League” regulations and rules
1. Generaloverview
“Norwegian Sport Fishing League Forening” together with “Sport Fiske AS” (hereinafter organizer) presents “qualification + 4 rounds” sport fishing tournament and it is a part of the league. (hereinafter NSFL)
Official tournament website: www.nslf.no
Fishing is only with rod and from the boat.
Teams are fighting for the main title. However, individuals are also fighting for the title.
Tournament events: Qualifiers, Round 1, Round 2, Round 3, Final
NSFL Committee is responsible to announce an approved tournament schedule, terms and rules no later then 30 daysprior to the date of the 1st scheduled event.
Each team is evaluated according to a total caught length of the fish (cm). Total length is counted and then converted to points which are added together after each round.
The individual anglers are also fighting for the „Longest Fish“ title.
TOP20 of the winning teams are getting allowance to enter „NSFL Elite Series“ tournament.
Modern technology, IT solutions are used to enhance accuracy and prevent mistakes in terms of fish uploads and results.
Each player can access opponnent profiles and view their scores/information. Schedule 2021:
Qualification – May 1, 2021 kl0800 – 1600 lake Øgderen, Hemnes (Online, LIVE Check-in)
Qualification – May 1, 2021 kl0800 – 1600 lake Steinsfjorden, Sundvollen (Online, LIVE Check- in)
Main League Stage 1 – May 15, 2021 Storsjøen, Skarnes (NSFL Opening, Live event, Pike)
Main League Stage 2 – June 5, 2021 Mjermen, Aurskog-Høland (Live event, Pike)
Main League Stage 3 – June 26, 2021 Tyrifjorden, Sundvollen (Live event, Pike)
Main League Stage 4 – August 28, 2021 Øyeren, Flateby (NSFL Final, Live event, Pike-Zander)
NSFL „Elite Series“ – September 18-19, 2021 Øyeren, Flateby (Live event, Pike/Zander/Perch)
NSLF „Autumn Mamma“ – October 2-3, 2021 Storsjøen, Skarnes (ONLINE, Live Check-in, Pike) Elite Series and Autumn Mamma tournaments will have separate rules & regulations. Final rules will be announced during the season. 2. Registration
Maximum no. of teams in Qualification – 100
Maximum no. of teams in Main League – 40
Team consists of 2 members. Captain and Co-Angler
Registration takes place at www.nsfl.no website, online. Each member of the team registers themselves individually.
Payment fee of the competition is due 30 days prior to the date of the first event.
Unpaid memberships will be canceled on due-date and will be replaced with another team according to qualification results.
After registration is closed, temporary list of teams and members are then published in official tournament website www.nsfl.no
If all of the upper terms are fulfilled – team becomes official member of NSLF Association for the ongoing year.
Depending on qualification rank results, each team is assigned to Team No. for the rest of the season. Number decal will be applied on a boat and engine.
In the event of membership cancelation, each team has ability to transfer their membership to another team. However, general qualification rules has to apply. Fees are non-refundable if this action is used. Contact NSFL staff for changes.
Team is formed with 2 adult persons.
Persons younger than 18 years old can compete only with team partner, which is over 18 years old. The permission from the judge has to be given.
Each team can also register 1 substitute angler, which has the right to replace one of the team members in an event of an emergency.
Emergency is considered as: sick leave, travel, injury.
Team can use angler substitution option, only once. The angler who cancels his participation cannot reverse this decision. Substituted angler cannot be in 2 teams at the same time or participated in previous on-going season events. 3. FairPlayterms Each team commits to follow ”Fair Play” game style throughout the whole season. Each team commits to follow the listed terms:
Respect your opponent (show your strengths and allow your opponent to show his)
Accept and follow jury decisions and NSFL rules.
Selfcontrol (control your negative emotions, understand and accept the loss)
Equality – each team and player deserves to win.
Alcohol & Drugs are strictly forbidden. The person who has been noticed using intoxicants will be asked to leave the event without possibility to come back until the next round.
The rule applies for both players & staff.
Good mood, great emotions, fun time and sportsmanship on each event is required.
Protect the nature. Pick you trash and place them inside recycle containers.
Take care of equipment used in the events (chairs, tables, electronics, measure boards etc.) 4. Game rules
4.1 Measuring & Release
Comeptition is based on ”Catch&Release” basis.
Each player is responsible for the well-being and release of fish alive back where it belongs.
On hot summer days, extra care is required.
Wet your mat and hands before touching the fish. Place the fish on the board, measure and send the picture. Release the fish as fast as possible.
If extra time is needed, place the fish in the water for at least 30sec. and proceed with measurement process again.
Fish is measured from the tip of the snout, closed mouth and ending with the tip of the tail.
Provides picture(s) has to be high quality and without blur.
Fish position on measure board: Face to the left, flipped on the side, belly facing downwards.
Measuring boards will be distributed and collected back on each event.
Keeping fish in livewells is strictly forbidden.
• For uploading the results, ”NSFL FishUploads” app will be used. App can be accessed http://fishuploads.sport-fiske.no
Minimum requirements for the fish and length:
- Pike > 55 cm,
- Zander > 45 cm
- Perch > 30 cm
4.2 Start & Finish
Before each round, referee approves ”Start-Finish” zone perimeter.
The perimeter is then marked with water/ground markers.
Fishing in a „Start-Finish“ zone is forbidden.
Boat movement is allowed in the zone. Maximum speed 5/kph.
In the following round, referee gives start signal for 2 boats every 30sec.
All boats aligned in line, bow facing direction – „start“ marker. Starting positions:
4.3 Main rules
Silence days – 7 days prior the event. It is strictly forbidden to practise in a lake, where the upcoming event will take place on.
The lenght of the play-time is in decision of a head-judge. Timeframe should not be shorter then 6 hours but no longer then 12 hours.
In the event of „Force Majeure“ (storm, lightning, thunder etc.), the round is considered accepted if time elapsed is more than 4 hours. If by any occasion event was shorter than 4hours, event is considered as canceled and rescheduled.
It is forbidden to use cellular networks, walkie-talkies and other radio transmitters. It is only allowed to contact staff for support, report accidents or inform about unfair play.
Joint team strategy and game plan is strictly forbbiden.
Personal cameraman or photographer(3rd person) is not allowed inside competing boat. All video/photoshoots taken by 3rd person is to be made from another boat only.
Team members inside the same boat, are allowed to take all neccesery personal portfolio pictures or video footage of themselves or each other
NSFL camera staff has exclusive rights to enter any boat and take all footage needed.
Each NSFL staff member will have badge and marking on themselves.
Each angler is responsible to follow local municipality regulations and rules.
All risks associated with self-protection, nature care and govermantal laws is completely player responsibilities.
It is allowed to use boats with a minimum lenght of 3.2m, and maximum lenght of 7m.
Each boat has to be equipped with outboard engine with minimum of 5HP power output, and maximum of 250HP output.
Each boat has to pass all safety requirements, also to be equipped with life vests. We recommend wearing life vests the whole time you are on the water.
If boats are not equipped with life-vests, they are not allowed to participate in the event.
Teams have access to any water area. Changing locations is unlimitted.
In some cases, referee can announce zones where boat movement or fishing is forbidden.
The distance between 2 competing boats is set to minimum of 50m.
In narrow areas with less then 50meters width(channels, creeks etc.), team which has occupied the place, has to allow other moving boats to pass. Team captain shows take-over directions for other moving boat.
Maximum allowed speed for each take-over is 5kph.
If the referee suspects that team boat has hidden fish in livewell or other storage compartment, team captain allows referee to enter the boat and provides all neccesery cooperation. Anglers are still allowed to fish while referee is doing control check.
Team captain also provides directions, which side of the boat is to be used to enter the boat.
Any assistance between teams like sharing tackle equipment or electronics is not allowed during the event.
In the event of an emergency it is a duty to help others.
In case of an emergency, any of surrounded team commits to provide first emergency help.
After ”Finish” signal is announced, each boat is to stay in ”Start-Finish” zone and wait for staff directions. 5. Fishing tackle
Each player Is allowed to use any type of casting rod (spinning and casting)
Each player can prepare unlimited number of rods, lures and other tackle.
Each angler is only allowed to use 1 fishing rod at the time.
It is allowed to use only artificial baits.
Deadbait and livebait fishing is strictly forbidden.
Each lure can be equipped with maximum of 3 x single hook, 3 x double hook or 3 x treble-hook
It is forbidden to use ”lip-grip” to secure or lift the fish. 6. Style of fishing
Vertical fishing is forbidden.
Trolling fishing is forbidden.
Using only front bow electrical motor to slowly move the boat forward and casting from the deck is allowed. Only applies if players are repeatedly casting the lure.
Its is not allowed to fish when the main engine is on.
Feeding the fish is strictly forbidden.
Using scents on the lures are allowed. Each boat has to be equipped with:
Measuring board
Landing net
Life vests
First-Aid kit.
7. Points When ”finish” is announced, total of 5 longest caught fish will be added together for the total score in cm. Species are checked Team captain signs event protocol and accepts the results. All claims after the protocol is signed are not accepted. If 2 or more teams happen to have same amount of points, results are then given in favor of a team with the longest overall fish. Rank is then given after calculating total cm. Rank is then converted to final round points. The table describes rank/points: * rank conversion to points, is only for teams. Personal results are counted in cm.

All Missunderstandings, claims about faulty results, depends on NSFL referee’s decision.
7. Payment terms
All entry fees are set by organizer.
Qualification entry fee – 500, NOK/team, is paid directly after registration to event. Website www.nsfl.no
„NSFL Main League“ entry fee – 2000,-NOK/team
All entry fees are non-refundable.
However, all teams can claim for a full refund no later then 30days prior to the event.
Entry fee‘s does not include payments for parking lots, boat ramps, fishing license etc.
Payments for boat ramps will be taken upon vehicle arrival to the event. Staff members will meet and guide you.
The total collected money then creates a final prize pool and prizes.
Majority of overall tournament arrangement costs are proudly covered by our general sponsors and are completely financed by private capital only.
There are however costs, which cannot be sponsored by others and NSFL Association is in duty to pay them. Expected to be no more than 20% of prize-pool.
All information about association results, work, expenses will be transparent and available in yearly report.
8. Sport jersey & advertising
All teams commits to participate in all announced official meetings, opening and closing events.
Teams are required to wear sport-jerseys, branded jackets, clothing, caps and other relevant clothing. NSFL for public is represented as a sport.
Primary NSFL uniform is: branded, polyester/cotton jersey with long or short sleeves.
Primary jersey must have NSFL emblem on it. (contact support for vector files or ready to apply decal)
Emblem is applied on the upper-right chest area, front side.
Minimum size of the emblem: 70x70mm.
Emblems could also be placed on other type of clothing, however it is not required.
We always recommend brand all types of apparel, it will create professional overall look.
Teams without primary NSFL uniform, are not accepted to enter the league.
All players are allowed to promote contracted sponsors. Personal social networks, video channels, blog posts or other type of publicity is allowed for everyone.
Each player can create v-logs, stories and other content.
We recommend having great social experience and be active. It will create overall better hype.
All inappropriate content, non-argumented negative influence about NSFL or general sponsors can be asked to be explained and/or removed/edited. Players who does not come to mutual agreement with NSFL are considered to be disqualified by NSFL board decision. 9. Safety & Dangerous hazards Dangerous objects.
• It is stritcly forbidden to fish and boat around electrical transformers, high-voltage cables, cellullar antennas. The minimum distance should be kept at 50 meters.
Actions on a storm.
If before the start of event the storm occurs, start is then delayed and to be rescheduled with further notice. If the weather conditions shows positive signs, the event will continue.
Otherwise – event is canceled and new date is assigned. Thunder in on-going game.
• It is recommended to place all rods horizontally in the boat, sit down and follow the weather conditions every 5minutes. If the weather shows increasing storm signs, depart to the nearest shore line and abandon the boat. Follow FishUploads app or social networks for staff updates. Other hazards. • Waves higher > 1m. can be dangerous for your safety. Please consider your boat capabilities and your driving skills. If needed, drive safely to the nearest shore line and abandon the boat.
10. Penalties
Late without notice or not participating team is disqualified from the current event and 0 final event points is given.
Breaking the rule < 50m. distance between the boats – minus 20cm from total length caught.
Breaking the max/5kph speed rule – minus 20cm from total length caught.
Late after finish < 10mins – minus 50cm from total length caught.
Late after finish > 10mins – results are rejected.
Breaking 7 silent days rule – disqualified from the event.
Team that has replaced boat, engine, sonar without any notice to NSFL board – minus 50cm from total lenght caught.
Provided false information about equipment upon registration – minus 50cm from total lenght caught.
Team or angler not following general contract terms – disqualified from the event.
Angler without primary NSFL uniform – minus 10cm from total lenght caught.
Provided false information about fish catch (repeated fish, dead fish) – disqualified from the event.
Team that has 3 or more of penalties in one event – disqualified from the event in the decision of NSFL board. All claims submitted must to include video/photo evidence.Clear explanation has to be provided in written form. Case will be reviewed by NSFL board + 1 random team. Final decision is then published or sent to individuals. 11. „Fish Uploads“ app & NSFL Profile
After the registration for qualification, each angler will receive custom invitation to grant app access. Information will be sent by email, provided in registration form.
Active functions in the app for Qualification – Fish upload, rank status.
Active functions in the app for MainLeague – Fish upload, rank status, history of fish, opponent profile and his current results, notifications about unexpected changes in play or actions of the event.
Each angler qualified to TOP40 also gets access to unique functions in NSFL online profile. Key features includes learning your opponents, create strategies, plan your schedule and more.
Important information about opponents team boat, engine or equipment will be displayed in My Profile on www.sport-fiske.no
The FishUploads app is using geo location tracking for uploded fish picture only(file itself). Our app does not track your current location.
All sensitive personal information is encrypted and accessible only to username itself.
Each FishUploads app profile is also personal and encrypted. No one else can enter your fishuploads profile.
NSFL profile is only active for current members. Public members cannot access this information.
Minor profile edits can be done when in NSFL STATUS profile. For other important changes please contact support@sport-fiske.no
12. Awards & Prizes
League opening event ceremony is scheduled on the Round 1 event, or if required as a separate event.
League closing event ceremony is scheduled after Round 4 finish.
All teams are required to participate in opening and closing events. Awards will be given and important information will be announced about further events or changes.
TOP 3 teams with the highest overall league score is awarded the main prize, sponsor prizes and contributor prizes:
1st place – Main prize, trophy, sponsor prizes
2nd place – Second prize, trophy, sponsor prizes
3rd place – Third prize, trophy, sponsor prizes
4th place – Sponsor prizes
5th place – Sponsor prizes
TOP20 – allowance to enter Elite Series.
Longest season fish award 13. Other information Follow all updates, news and announcments: www.sport-fiske.no www.facebook.com/sportfiskenorway www.facebook.com/nsflnorway www.instagram.com/nsflnorway www.youtube.com/nsfltv