The following text is on behalf of "Norwegian Sport Fishing League Forbund"
First of all - welcome everyone who has joined NSFL or became a follower of our journey.
From the very grounds, quickly let's try to understand what is NSFL for us. Why do we do that?
NSFL is the place, where we can join together, experience adrenaline, competitive emotions, intrigue, new friends, new stories, new experiences in general.
But only one activity that merges us together is - Fishing. Isn't it?
Yes it is. Norwegian fishing community in general is quite large. But have you ever asked yourself - how many of those are so serious like i am? Probably the answer would be - not a lot.
And the second though that comes - then what do i do, if i am so passionate but i cannot find the place to show that passion? And this is where we came for. NSFL is the place where we want you to stay with us as long as you are still passionate about spending 8hours on the water and still have enough strength for 2 hours more. I hope you get what i mean 🤓
Our journey starts today. Multiple competitions, personal wish to be the best, never giving up and taking down titles with prizes. Modern age arrangements, technology, rhythm in our blood - this is what is waiting for each of you. Our mission here is to create place for all of us. Following highest needs and learning from experience. We never stop learning - each round, each month, each year we will be better, sharper, stronger.
We really hope that all of you will have competitive 2021 and hopefully you will take some serious trophies with you.
"Norwegian Sport Fishing League Forbund" is the association with sport league intentions. That means that any knowledge, assistance is highly appreciated from any of you. Feel free to understand how the league works, what are league grounds, what are future perspectives and so on.
I kindly invite each of you to join this Forum community, open different topics regarding NSFL or any other topic that brings you interest. Make sure you follow all notifications, so each of us are always up-to dated in our community.
Do NSFL represents U.S style bass competitions?
Why not? Wouldn't that be cool? But here is other great news - no, we are not trying to make it that way. We are trying to find our own path which suits all of us. Why we should copy someone if we can make our own? It only takes dedication to pull the trigger. I truly believe that within few years we will be in completely another level and another galaxy when it comes to competitions. There is always one but - we need one tool which is you and your loyalty. Only together we can change the future and make it happen.
So let's say hello to each other once again and start filling up your boats with petrol because you need to unfreeze your rods today 😏😎
Keep your lines tight and stay sharp for new discussions, sport news, pro career tips and infinity other things.
Mantas & rest of NSFL Team

Norwegian Sport Fishing League Forbund 926 529 978
Båstadveien 651,
1866 Båstad