We are getting closer and closer to the finals. This time teams will fight in one of the most challenging, large and deep lake - Tyrifjord.
Tyrifjorden is 139km2 in area and has a maximum depth of 295m! Gladly the lake also has many of the shallow spots and good locations where Pikes are located. We expect to have average pike of 75-80cm.
Nevertheless it is Stage 3, the last event before the summer brake. This event is so important, that it will set a obvious leaders. It is a chance for every team to show their best and come back to the top of leaderboard. Don’t miss this chance, fight till the last minute and show the sportsmanship you deserve.
Stage 3 - Allowance & Rules

Lake: Tyrifjorden, Vikersund
Location: Vikland Båtforening
Address: Ringeriksveien 5, 3370 Vikersund
Date: 2021 June 26 (Saturday)
Start: 08:00-08:30
Finish: 16:00
Earliest arrival & check-in & boat check: 05:00
Latest arrival & check-in & boat check: 07:00
Opening speech: 07:45
Conference: 16:40 (every team must attend)
Boat loading: 17:15
Fish: Pike
Minimum length: 55cm
Measure board: Provided by NSFL
FishUpload: NSFL APP. Each player individually, every fish from their account.
Rules: NSFL Main League Rules
Event structure

This time we have really open and wide area. There should be no issues with parking both for cars and boats. We also have nice and open park area where Check-IN tent will be placed.
Arrival Arriving to the area, please do not swing into the first drive-in. Move forward to the second one and follow the instructions.
Boat control As always our staff will control the boats and will give you guidance on moving the vehicles. Make sure you do not start preparing fishing tackle in the unloading zone. Make sure you boat is unbuckled and ready to launch before its your turn. As it became a standard, we will unhook your trailers and park them. This time we only have 1 boat ramp and therefore patients is required both in launching the boat and after the finish. Most important that you follow the que and staff signals.
Check-IN Once you vehicle is parked, BOTH team players comes to check-in booth. Please do not come one-by-one! Everyone will get replacement badges. Teams that MUST prepare for profile pictures: For Fun AG Team Dzukai 2 Team Pikeslingers Team Garmin/RAM mounts Petras Gecas Rolandas Rakauskas Vitalijus Stroganovas Strictly this time teams that will not wear sport jerseys and make a picture will receive -10 final rank points per/player. Please remind in Check-In booth that you need to make picture. In case you don't have NSFL emblem, you still need to wear sport jersey and make a picture.
Not coming to the event Teams that has not send any notice about not participating will receive 0 rank points.
Starting positions and start rules
The starting positions flips again. This this you all starting depending on which Team Number you have. Just to confirm here is a list of starting positions for Stage 3:
Lukas Team
Sire Fishing Team
Team Daiwa Elvegris
Zander Club Team Predator
AG Team
M&S Pro Team
The Trif Brothers
Fiskegal gjeng
Team Astec
Team SFP
Team DFC
Zander Club Team Jaktia
Lithuanian Hookers
LJ Pro Fishing team
N.E.A Fishing Team
Zander Club Team Angler Bait
Takkel Daiwa
Nerijus & Giedrius
V.V Team
Lowrance/PD Baits
Team Garmin/RAM Mounts
Team Daiwa Garmin Prorex
Dzukai 2
Team Pikeslingers
Team Fisketrix
Team South
Fish Hunters
Golden Gravel by Nautilus
Barracuda GF Team
Fish On
GTR Team
Kamatotajama by Nautilus Club
Zander Club Team Gator
For Fun
Your help with cameras is highly appreciated
As all of you may remember we kindly ask everyone who has possibilities to film themselves while fishing. You can then share your SD Card content after the event.
The winner who will provide the most valuable content will be awarded with Garmin Striker Cast in our final event
Also don't forget to get nice pictures with some great trophies! :)
Tag us in your pictures @nsflnorway. Only hashtags is not allowing us to share you nice pictures :) Use the GIF's to make your stories/post more exciting.
It is time to have some guessing time!
Go to LIVE RESULTS page and place your bet who you think will be in the TOP 5 after the Main League is finished! Each of you and any of your friends has 2 chances to bet.
We will be announcing current public percentages and will keep this game as fun as possible.
In addition only 1 person who's guess is most precise will be awarded with one more Garmin Striker Cast! As we promised Garmin has decided to award all of you with huge bag this time. So use your chance and play for every bit!
Help us to grow!
Share LIVE Results link in your social networks and help NSFL become brighter!
Share as many post as possible and let's create the hype!
https://www.sport-fiske.no/live is the link to LIVE Results on Saturday!
#nsflnorway #nsfl @nsflnorway
Good luck everyone and we see you soon!
